The series I show is entitled "Pathologik". The work is in progress since 2010.
Originally, my fascination for pathological pictures inspired me to do this photo series. Over the years, the idea matured in my head to integrate the physicality of that kind of representation into my art. The scientific coldness and the analytically dissecting as well as the colours of the photos in mainly elderly medical books, appealed strongly to my decision to accomplish my ideas.
Through various emphases the photos become novel interpretations of physical representation. Some parts of the body disappear or become blurred while other parts are highlighted, so that the material is emphasized and the body is dissected by separation.
My pictures have starting points where photography turns into painting. This is reminiscent of the time when photography revolutionized the image and people, for the lack of knowledge, asked: Is this painting? In my pictures, these boundaries are also porous so that in my work the question emerges: Is this still photography?